Wednesday, August 8, 2012

There comes a time in every [wo]man's life...

Hello World.....

There comes a time in everybody's life that he/she knows when to sit yo azz down! (click here for theme music) You've got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run...

And after tonight, I shall continue to run like Forrest Gump shaking off his shackles!  I am going to stick with my current plan and concentrate on my new promotion at work and school and getting some connections in the sound engineering world so I can transition smoothly.  So I'll be zooming alright and concentrating on the right thangs!

I encourage each and everyone of you to look at your current situation, measure it by peace of mind versus the "piece" you have in mind and ask yourself "am i happy?".  If your instant reaction isn't a wicked smile and a resounding "YES!" then you may need to re-think your situation and work on fixing what isn't making you happy.  Bottomline, communicate with those around you to make it right, don't make assumptions and make them read your mind. Nobody knows what you are thinking but YOU! And don't play "read between the lines" either, tell people what is really, truly on your mind.

There comes a time in every [wo]man's life that they demand to be happy!

Everyone stay true, stay positive and stay optimistic!!  you can win as long as you keep your head to the optimistic

*peace and blessings*

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