Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's a been a long time...

Hello World:

Copying one of my fave hip hop lyrics "it's been a long time..."

I haven't had anything just really really awesome happen to me...uuh i'm still working at the same company, still worshipping at Gospel Tabernacle and still have no funds or a plan b for school attendance.  I am now having to start paying back Sallie Mae since i'm not in school and all of the scholarships that i applied for via Georgia State went to someone else.

I don't know, it seems like I was supposed to be there, the Lord opened doors to get me into the school of music for the Sound Engineering part and then i look up and the Federal Loan folks are telling me i'm now out of money for school.  Oh yes, they raise tuition but don't give us extra money for the increase so we can finish. well i guess that's what i get for not going to school when i should have.

I'm starting to feel the presence of "not giving a damn". i'm starting to feel boxed into the matrix, so i get to watch my friends "live" and I'm just existing. Not a good feeling.

On a personal level, I met someone.  I was casually running errands when I walked into a store to purchase some items and the cashier caught my eye immediately. I was thinking "ok Nissa, he's really nice to look at." Now the thing was he was standing behind a glass area so i only saw him from the chest up, however the boulders popping out of the shirt he was wearing and his face had my attention. LOL!  So I didn't flirt outright but i struck up a casual conversation and found out he owned the store and lived in Douglasville. i'm thinking "hmm ok..."so I turn to walk out and he gets my attention again and gives me his number. HAAA!! As I was trying to look casual even though i was jumping up and down in my head and get in the car, he just happened to need to come outside to sweep the parking lot and oh my gawd! Yes Lord! Thank you! Loved what I saw!!!!!

that was 2 weeks ago.  The convo is nice and i'm just slowly getting to know him.  He's a single dad and the relationship between he and his son's mom is amicable. I'm noticing that my feelings of dating someone with kids has changed.  At this point, i'm not really concentrating on that part because, hell i've only known him for two weeks and i'm not one of those females that have already picked out the wedding dress and picked a wedding date because I meet someone I like.  Anyway i'm having  good time and we'll see where this goes. *cheese*

So at the end of this blog i normally take the time to encourage the reader along with myself....sooooo I'll say that I will continue to uplift myself mentally and YOU do the same.  My next step to do is voice lessons so I'll get right on that and do better about going to church....ugh..that's another blog all together! HAAAA!!!

Peace and Blessings....

and i'll leave you with this tune...and this one oh yes and this one


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