Wednesday, April 1, 2020

You must be this tall....

Hello World...

I was just speaking with a friend about blogging and they asked "you haven't posted anything, why?" and my response was that I hadn't been motivated to write about anything.  And THEN I saw this hilarious kermit meme (you know we love Kermy) about wives really know where their husbands are and of course he drinks tea at the end.  I shared it on my wall, not because I really and truly believe it BUT watching my male cousins grow up and other male figures do their thing I can say that uuuh yes part of me totally understands the statement.  It's life.

I'm sorry ladies it is what it is.  We want to think that we automatically get the same level of love and respect back that we give out but it's not always true.  And then I saw a web site or a FB profile name (or something) that was entitled "you have to be this tall to ride this ride".  I was immediately motivated to write something.

You probably think this is in reference to height...naw not really.  Now a few years  I was convinced "him" towering over (or not) was a deal breaker..but uuh....ya get older, you get a little wiser and you realize what's important.  So the context of "you must be this tall" has to do with wisdom.  Any man coming in my direction talking that slick, fast stuff that works for ANY youngster has to keep it moving.  And these days you'd think that the older men are coming at you with wisdom but since the young ladies (using the term loosely) seem to be going after the seasoned ones these day the older men are brushing up on their "game" and sadly making the assumption that what worked on the 20 year olds can work on the 35 and up! (i probably didn't use enough punctuation in that thought.)  And the grown ladies have to stop them and say "uuum no sweetie, you're speaking to the wrong generation.  let's chit chat about your life plan.  let's chit chat about your gift to the next generation.  let's chit chat about music.  let's chit chat about some hobbies, about how many passport  stamps to get.  let's talk about something with substance. I'm not the one to turnup 24/7."

Fellas.....respect your ladies the same way we respect YOU!  You must be THIS tall to ride this ride.  I need your wisdom, your respect, your leadership, your humbleness, your heart.  If you constanly down us the reaction is to do the same to you or just to ignore you so that we avoid being disrespectful to our kings.  I love my kings TOO much to count you just be good to us and we'll be good to you.  You scratch our backs and we got yours!

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