Friday, February 22, 2013

Still Pushing...

Hello World...

Well I'm still Expecting nothing but GREATNESS!! My mindset has tried to backslide to what I used to struggle with but I refuse to let it. I will fight tooth and nail to keep myself going forward!  In a few weeks I will be celebrating my 41st birthday, I'm a spring baby, first day of Aries, March 21st but I start celebrating on March 1st with the Pisces.  One other thing I have come to realize is that during that time 41 years ago as a young college student hoping to finally escape the confinements of living in the country my mother was looking to escape to something new and was not really looking forward to becoming a mother even though she was madly in love with a fellow PVU classmate.  She was looking forward to marching across the stage grabbing that piece of paper that said "Bachelors in Nursing" and who knows what else she would have done.  But her plans were put on hold and she chose to love the little thing that was wriggling around in her stomach a lot more around March 1st, that came out screaming (i think) March 21st and that turned a month old April 19th; the last day of the Aries sign and the last day of my life celebration.  That thought pattern just came to me today, I'm looking at life via a much much bigger picture!  For that reason, I have a renewed reason to keep pushing and fulfill my destiny.

So I still push...this word also has another definition:

P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Something Happens

This year is looking up for me!  And MY prayer for YOU and YOUR family is to keep pushing!  Keep moving forward no matter what!  I speak peace and comfort over your household right now in Jesus name!  Be encouraged, there is a song that says sometimes you have to encourage yourself...basically look in the mirror and tell yourself how awesome you are!  I've been seeing different FB posts stating that if other people spoke to us the way that we internally and externally spoke to ourselves that we'd want to fight so the question presented is "then why do you talk to yourself with such negativity?".  Watch what you say, what you put into the universe. What is the universe you ask? It's your mental, it's your mind, we tend to relive verbal statements and our whole body and mind will react like it happened for real.  Put the positive stuff out there, put it in your universe, recall the great stuff, leave the negative stuff along.  Love yourself!


I think that's all I have to say tonight....

Celebrate life with me from March 1st to April 19th


Keep on Pushing!!

~~Peace and Blessings~~

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