Monday, April 16, 2012

Well let's see...

Hello World!!!

Wow! This past weekend seems to be a blur and I think it had to do with my dental appointment.  Ok so I have close to $3k of dental work to be done (yaaay me) which includes multiple root canals, thus the high price tag.  Well I had my first appointment this past Friday, it was a major cleaning (i wanted to kill the hygienist) AND the root canal (i didn't care).  So the cleaning was the harsh one, the deep one...i didn't realize how tensed up i was until she said "ok i'm done".  I swear i wanted to choke her!  She felt me flinching and shit..she knew that mess hurt. More novacaine next time ma'am! *ugh!* 

So then it was time for the root canal.  Yeah so I wasn't aware of the double appointment before I got there, I thought I was just gettin' the cleaning so I made for sure they had my nitrous oxide set up.  So i got over there in the dentist's chair and they hooked me up..but the dental assistant was smart, she hooked me up to pure oxygen so i could sign the "paperwork" this was also getting my system ripe for the nitrous on the way.  So she turned it on and baaaa aaaaayaaaayaaay by!!!  WOOOO!! I was higher than i've ever been in life and it was legal and paid for by my medical benefits!  And i think i actually tweeted that in the chair. LOL!!  OH yeah AND i had my iPod in my ears so i was jammin'.  So all of this drilling and shit was happening and i'm sitting there jammin' to r. kelly's "i'm loving you tonight" and feeling good...imagining myself dancing for my boyfriend. (those that know me know i don't have one so it was the nitrous) LOL!!

So anyway afterwards, i was up and at 'em, then went home and slept it off and woke up Saturday a.m. and went to class and went back home and took a nap and woke up and did homework and then helped an Aries celebrate and ended up party hopping with some friends and then spent Sunday doing homework!!!

So...well let's see....i had a good time!

I thank God for letting me wake up another day to be annoyed by other human errors....

*peace and blessings*

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