Wednesday, April 1, 2020

We are in a Crisis...

Hello World....

I've been thinking about a new blog post but my mind was not still enough to put thoughts to screen.  We are currently in a crisis across the world.  There is a virus spreading being coined the "corona virus" or "Covid19".  It's an off the charts upper respiratory virus.  It was first being considered an extreme flu-type bug, who knows what it really is.  The government decided to give us a lil change one-time.  The entire bill is work $2Trillion i think.  They could easily give us all about $100K maybe even $200K, there are about 325M people in the US, it would be a drop in the bucket.  But hey, too much power to the little people, right?

I think it's man-made from several viruses and it was either released on purpose or stolen and spilled on accident.

I know of one person that I personally know who has passed away from Covid19 complications, very sad.  Who knew that the last time  I saw him during the holidays would have been the last time.  This motivates me even more to continue with connecting with my friends and family when I can.

Im definitely contacting the parentals AND my sisters.  Both of them are not in 100% health.

As I said in a previous post, I am enjoying the moment in my private life.  This guy is the coolest, breath of fresh air that I've encountered in a long time.  We laugh about silly stuff, discuss sci fi and fantasy like it's real the intimacy is O_O yes gawd!! HA!!

Definitely lady parts are still working somewhat so I don't need any late pregnancy scares NOR do I need any medical complications if my body attempted to go through the process and it didn't work well.

Anyway, the state of Georgia is still in a sort of quarantine lockdown.  Only essential businesses are open.  Those that have to move about only have from 7a to 9p.  Our liquor stores in East Point are closed but our corner store does have beer and wine and some "rock gut" liquor.  The stuff that we used to buy as naive youngsters because it was cheap...i'm talking madd dog 20/20, strawberry hill boonesfarm, get a headache just typing the names.

So yeah well...everyone that can is working from home.  I'm able to work from home...thank God.  I go into the office when I need to if someone needs something notarized.

Welp...I need to get back to work...just one thing I need to say be perfectly honest, if i developed the virus and was no longer here...i really wouldn't mind.  I have a DNR in place so if I flat line they can't bring me back.  I'm tired anyway, I keep fucking up simple shit almost like self-sabotage on a regular basis.  It's like I don't want to see myself happy as if I don't deserve it.  I don't know where this self-loathing comes from but it's there and I can't hide from it.  I think I'd be better off gone honestly.  No longer a bother to anyone.  Hell I couldn't even give my mom and dad offspring to carry their DNA....once i'm gone their DNA connection through me is gone for good.

ok well...lemme get back to work.  I pray that everything goes ok.

my birthday was a few weeks ago....i did my best to celebrate...baked a cake...celebrated at the new like interest was here..we had a good time.  I'll never forget "48". for sure.

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