It has been a moment, a hot minute. There's a part of me that is ready to delve into the world of romance.
:-) (enjoy this soundtrack of love as you read) Yes I have a bunch of stuff happening in my world. I work full-time in a career field that has nothing to do with my passion, i just turned 40 and I'm a full-time student at GSU. On one hand it can be very overwhelming but on the other hand, I get to share in the joy and laughter of the passions of friends I am meeting along the way. It's a beautiful thing! A friend of mine has an annual event that started as a small house gathering and has morphed into a full event sponsored by Clayton County in Georgia and Microsoft and a few other big-time sponsors. It pays homage to local ATL talent, adults and kids in the arts by giving to Project A.R.M. and just giving a stage for talent to shine. It's the Annual Fish Fry and it ended with soul artist Philipia Williams on stage and a huge fireworks show just great!
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me and the creator of the Annual Fish Fry - Anthony "AJ " Joiner |
So that was a beautiful thing to enjoy with friends and at some point i ended up winning tickets to see some jazz phenomenoms - kim waters, marion meadows and joey sommerville and paul taylor. I thought I had a date..well..yeah. So there was this dude, very cute, very articulate, accomplished and during conversation after I'd asked to roll with me to the jazz event, he let me know that he was about 8 years my junior. uuuh yeah, my spirit kinda fa real. LOL!! So when he called to cancel, i wasn't too heartbroken. (whew) So it ended up being a girls night out which was cool de la because we ended up hanging out backstage with some folks my homegirl knew and MAN! I had a baaall... AND there was a second fish fry after the one mentioned above in a different location. A warehouse spot. $10 all you can eat fish/fries and beer. Beautiful! We stopped thru there after the jazz experience. MAN! THAT was a weekend! LOL!! So then the next day (sunday) i ended up at the national black arts festival (NBAF). Got introduced to a local soul/rhythm and blues artist by the name of Alex Lattimore . You know how you see somebody and they LOOK like they can sing? This guy had that look. ANd listen, we were outside in 90+ degree weather, no real cover where me and my homette were sitting. WE had our lawn chairs and umbrellas so he needed to BRANG it and make us feel good about baking. LOL! And listen...this guy is the business! i'm purchasing his new CD immediately. He did his thang!
Whoo i'm not sure what else I have forgot but anyway that's the beauty of editing. LOL! spirit is in the process of unattaching (yeah i'll say it like that) and so i'm ready for a full bloom of love, romance and intimacy in my life. Even with the stuff that mentioned above, i'd love to have someone that appreciates that and i can share with and also support in their ventures. (le sigh) Love is a beautiful thing (you may wanna click on the soundtrack again) LOL. School is about to start for us - Fall 2012 is August 20th and i'm gearing up slowly to get back in that realm. i can't remember if i mentioned this in another post but i moved from a 2 to a 1 bedroom and believe it or not (i don't care) i still have part of my stuff in totes. i honestly need to purchase some other organizational/storage items. I still have clothing in my car that needs to be donated (just horrible). I used HUGE boxes to move and oh yes, i'm 3 floors up and so I still have two boxes that are now trash boxes still sitting in my kitchen area. I need to take to dumpster soon but they are HUGE! (argh!) Ok i'm sure this is quite enough for today. Oh yes, speaking of today a horrible tragedy happened in the wee hours of the day. During the midnite showing of "The Dark Knight Rises" a crazed idiot walked in wearing kevlar and a gas mask and dropped a gas canister and started shooting people! The cops now realize he had thousands of rounds of bullets and his home is booby-trapped. So a part of me is mourning the loss of innocent lives (and of course now no one can dress up anymore; new theater rules) but another part of me is wondering how some people feel that they use so much energy trying to keep "minorities" down (we are still fighting the Treyvon Martin incident) a societal accepted idiot walked into a place and killed a bunch of folks. i don't know maybe...whatever. society will NOT care about the deeper regions of this incident.
Hiphop lost a great pioneer Ms. Melodie passed the other night. She was only 43! I don't know what is happening with my age group but we are dropping like flies! We are NOT taking our health seriously and then you see pics of 73 year old body building ladies looking younger than us. We have to take better care of ourselves inside and out! I try to tell my mother the same thing, she's 23 years my senior but i fear it's too late. she's grown, she's gonna do what she's gonna do. I had the displeasure of watching my paternal grandfather die due to his own choices. he was a severe diabetic and would not follow the doctor's orders so he slowly got stuff amputated and eventually was bedridden, being fed by a tube. Then my grandmother died of a broken heart and in between that my grandmother's sister died (not sure of what). I lost 3 ppl around the same time that i was trying to get to know. One due to medical craziness! So anyway. What are we doing folks? Why?
Oh yeah, even though i was married before and it went waaaay wrong (found out i was married to a controlling serial marryier - new word; i was wife#4) i'd love to get married again; but guess what? i'm actually thinking of going into a co-parenting situation. No fa real. Like i've discussed it with the guy i have in mind. But a part of that is like "hmmm you're good enough to impregnate me but not enough for me to want to marry?" I think my issue is that i've gotten very very set in my ways and would and could function in a relationship like that. OMG! isn't that sad?? I don't know maybe once my mr. right finds me it'll all come together. *kanye shrug* my biggest thing is that i don't want my mom's biological line to end. my adopted sisters have kiddos but i'd love to be able to see a mini me (or two) my maternal grandfather (john elliott) was a twin i'd love to have twins or even quads and get it over with. LOL! but who knows what my body will do, what the RA will do at 40+ years. Hell i may be heading into "the change" soon, i don't know.
So with ALL of this being said, my prayers go out to families that area dealing with loss and the families of the deceased and wounded of colorado. Welp! Time for a late night fish sammich and then I'm going nite nite! :-)
*peace and blessings*
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