Hello world....
At this point, Divvy Homes have sent the HVAC vendor back to update the AC systems by adding a sensor so that the upstairs was properly ventilated. So basically because they didn't do the proper inspections, they didn't realize that the AC system was not setup correctly for two-story property. in my Khaled voice (AND ANOTHER ONE). They refunded me for the air purifiers by applying the amount to my rent BUT i need to be refunded for all of the extra money that I've had to pay by going to specialists. I now have a new bronchial issue too? oh yeah, i'm trying to figure out what attorney to contact. It's going to happen. I'ma need to get my whole life back together, i will not forever have to take theraflu and eat cough drops and take puffs of albuteral to survive outside and not cough my damn food up. Tha FUK????
my face looks back to normal but my hair literally started falling out even more....it's not over.
Divvy Homes is so wrong for this. I now have a crazy breathing issue. My throat is always tight, my breathing is always labored and my voice is still not right. I can't do anything without going into a whole breathing attack. I've NEVER had breathing issues...so whatever this crap is that I inhaled at 122 Hudson bridge court has fukkd me up!!! I gotta make sure I let the allergist know at my follow-up appointment. This is nuts but they want my $1800 every month though!! I damn near died in that townhouse. They still need to send someone to clear the AC Vents. I'm so mad right now....every time I take a labored breath I'm mad! I need to get an attorney to handle everything quick!
Ok... gotta go "make the donuts".
4/17/2023 update:
So I was feeling crazy this past week, face still swollen, light headed, coughing, barely breathing. I finally took myself to the Urgent Care on Thursday. The doctor did a chest x-ray and put me on a regiment of steroids and a few other allergy deterrent. I'm currently on day 4 of the steroids and the side effects are crazy. I go from sleepy to hyper. I'm definitely feeling better, the swelling is pretty much gone.
The air quality tech came to test this past Friday. I should get results by this Tuesday (4.18.23) at the latest. I pray we get answers because i can't go through the swelling again and I can't live off of steroids.
I got the lab results back today! There is mold present in this home as I have been saying. I have just forwarded the results as well as invoices to have my rent adjusted less the additional monies that I have had to pay to troubleshoot the issues in here. My health has been affected! Thank goodness I do not have to go into the office otherwise, I would be SOL. I'm now waiting for a response from Divvy Homes. Next up is the legal path if common sense doesn't prevail.
I think Divvy Homes is trying to take me out of here. If you've followed me, you know from Nov 2022, the landlord of my previous home decided to do something else with the property and I was forced to move. I decided to buy a home but my credit status veered me to the path of lease to own. My realtor connected me with Divvy Homes which is a company that assists with buying a property OR they already own a property ready to move in.
The way that everything happened with me, I ended up buying a property they already owned. Upon seeing the home with my realtor, everything looked above board. Their process of due diligence they test for EVERYthing. I moved into this new spot the first week of Feb 2023 and by the 2nd week, i noticed my face being swollen in the mornings. I have asked them to do a mold test to clean my air ducts and they threw all of that back on me. Saying I am responsible for that. I've now paid for a mold test and now I've purchased two air purifiers. I'm visiting doctors to get tests run to figure out what my body is going through, my fair, my hands, my legs. Now I'm dealing with dizziness, with headaches. It's a shame. I just wanna be in my own space and relax but now I went from having to stressfully move from a place to a place that is making me ill.
I'm going to see about getting the air ducts cleaned and then the next step is an attorney. I am possibly breathing in black mold everyday/every night and Divvy Homes doesn't give not one good damn.
stay tuned for more...
4.07.2023 |